Saturday, October 3, 2009

Post your Five Fav's

Let's see how many of you actually read this blog......I would like you to post your five favorite A-Z photos on your personal art blog. This will be good practice for you! The Local 14 show has been super fun, connecting with other artist is good. See you on Monday, peace out. Ms. McB


  1. I would love to post them onto my blog. but i seem to only be able to log onto one that i accidentally created. which is not good.

  2. as someone who is technically challenged i can not do this. so tomorrow you'll probably see me at break struggling frantically to make it happen, see you then

    ps apparently jordan found an extra school camera in his car... i feel stupid

  3. did it fool. cant trick the shap

  4. iiiiiiii need to do this. comment comment comment

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