Friday, October 23, 2009

Only Jesse Due on Friday

Just because you are the most amazing students ever Karen Shea and I made a decision. Your Jesse Reno paintings will be due on the 30th of October and your A-Z images will be due on November 5th.

I think Karen made an excellent decision. Don't you?

Yea Karen!!!!


  1. I do not know if karen made a good decision or just wants to give herself more time to work on her a to z project. hint hint. but i like it

  2. ahhh yes! thank you so so so much :]

  3. ACTUALLY, jackson, we made the decision when we were looking at melis's 5 foot painting, so it was not a selfish decision

  4. How would you know zebro, you weren't there.
    Karen was. and i didn't say it was a selfish decision, i was just placing the cards (Faced Up) on the table.

  5. gahhh ive been doing this all day long cause i thought it was due this week!!!! i could have been sleeping.
