Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Leonardo found with fingerprint?

Art experts agree that $19,000 painting is actually a Leonardo da Vinci worth $150 million. A fingerprint links this piece to the famed artist.

If true, this would be the first Leonardo artwork found in 100 years.

Check out the following link for the NPR article:

NPR Leonardo article

Sunday, October 25, 2009

LIFE DRAWING - Wahooooooo

The first life drawing will be on November 17th, 2009. That's a Tuesday, folks. All AP and Art 3/4 students are required to attend. There are only two life drawing sessions this year. One per semester.

We will be drawing lovely ballerinas. They will have tu tu's. So much fun. $5.00 per person, snacks and materials provided.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Only Jesse Due on Friday

Just because you are the most amazing students ever Karen Shea and I made a decision. Your Jesse Reno paintings will be due on the 30th of October and your A-Z images will be due on November 5th.

I think Karen made an excellent decision. Don't you?

Yea Karen!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Art show opportunity

Last year I was in a show called the Beaverton Visual Arts Showcase. I found out there is no age limit for entrants so I think you all should do it. You have to register here The deadline to enter is October 30th, 2009.

Visual artists in the Portland region are invited to submit their work to Beaverton’s 2010 Visual Arts Showcase to be held February 7-20, 2010, in the Beaverton City Library.

It's not hard. You will have to resize your images which is a little tricky. I can help you at school if your interested. The shoe projects, the magazine portraits, AP work, Karen your drawing...the list goes on. Just do it. It doesn't cost anything and it's a good experience.

Go for it!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Open Studios 2-D NAHS

A small but mighty group of NAHS 2-D students went to open studios today. What a great experience. Lindsay video taped several of the artist in their studio and will be posting them on the NAHS page as well as on her own blog. We loved William Park's work. He works very similar to Jesse Reno's style. Very different subject matter. We also found a very cool studio where we can go and sew. Melis, we are thinking this will be fun for the retro outfits! Anyway, highly recommend this experience. Karen Shea has the map and the studios are open tomorrow. There are several in the LO area if you decide to give it a whirl. So worth it. Very inspiring. Off to my own studio to make some art!

Friday, October 16, 2009

NFAA - Young Arts Program

The Young Arts NFAA deadline has been extended to October 23, 2009. If you are a senior and have not entered yet visit this website for further information. Again, it's easy and a great way to win scholarship dollars.

Utrecht Self Portrait Contest

Utrecht Self Portrait contest. There have been several Lakeridge students who have won this in the past. It's free and easy to enter.

Rules, entry form and information listed on the website above. Prize money!!!! Don't miss this opportunity.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


In the most recent issue of Communication Arts there was article I read last night and it stuck with me all day. I would like you to consider, what do you own?

"Ownership means being involved with something, putting in an investment of energy, caring and learning. You own what you are committed to."

Consider the subject of ownership, you are usually dealing with a specific problem or task or object. Was this stock a bad investment? Do I need liability insurance? Should I buy an iPhone? But if we think more broadly about ownership, it becomes more complex and more interesting. When I ask the question, "What do you own? What is the first things that comes to your mind? Your car? Your bank account? Or do you think of ownership in the non-physical realm of, say, friendship or faith or knowledge? Do you see ownership as a freedom, or are your possessions a burden? Does ownership imply yours vs. mine?

For years the authors mother told her that she was lucky because she has an important possession, one that she owns completely; her work. By that, she did not mean a job or a particular profession or even a talent. She means a commitment to creative endeavors to developing and producing objects and environments and to ways of thinking and looking. It is a crucial part of her identitity. She has cultivated it, grown it and she lives by it.

Think of your creative journey. All the years you've spent pursuing and developing your creative identity. You have worked to make it yours. Do you own it?

Something to think about.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Guess who's coming to LHS?

Another busy week ahead, but busy is good. You should be working on completing your Jesse Reno image. Also you should have started your A-Z inspired images. Both will be due at the end of this month. You might have to do lots of this at home. Classroom time is limited due to college visits.

Due Monday: Blog update - Come on, pony up and do something interesting on your blog. Check out my new additions on the Ms. McB blog.

Sketchbook assignment

Blog comment

This week, Monday, the Minneapolis College of Art and Design,, will be at LHS during AP time. Please bring any work you would like Kris to look at, critique, talk about. You should always take advantage of college admissions directors coming to the school. They can offer you insights you otherwise wouldn't get.

Also coming this week California College of the Arts. All of the above applies. Wahoo!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Post your Five Fav's

Let's see how many of you actually read this blog......I would like you to post your five favorite A-Z photos on your personal art blog. This will be good practice for you! The Local 14 show has been super fun, connecting with other artist is good. See you on Monday, peace out. Ms. McB