Monday, October 19, 2009

Art show opportunity

Last year I was in a show called the Beaverton Visual Arts Showcase. I found out there is no age limit for entrants so I think you all should do it. You have to register here The deadline to enter is October 30th, 2009.

Visual artists in the Portland region are invited to submit their work to Beaverton’s 2010 Visual Arts Showcase to be held February 7-20, 2010, in the Beaverton City Library.

It's not hard. You will have to resize your images which is a little tricky. I can help you at school if your interested. The shoe projects, the magazine portraits, AP work, Karen your drawing...the list goes on. Just do it. It doesn't cost anything and it's a good experience.

Go for it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to stay in durig 4th period tomorrow and enter young arts and this one! and work on a self-portrait for the utrek contest :)
