Sunday, August 30, 2009

Welcome Back!!!

I can't tell you how excited I am that the new school year is starting. You are an amazing talented bunch of students who are going to kick some AP, well you know. This blog spot will become an important part of your daily/weekly routine. Everything that you need to know about what's going on in the AP class will be on this site. You will be creating your own blog spot that will be linked to this main site. It's a great way to share your work with your classmates, friends, family and the rest of the world.

Your first blogging assignment will be to create your site. It's easy. Ms. McB gave you lots of handouts to help you through the process. Have fun and make your site your own. I would like you to take pictures of your summer work and post it on your personal blog site as soon as possible.

Here is some of the work I did this summer....they are all encaustic pieces. The 'girls' as I call them are chickens that live in my back yard.

Enjoy. Can't wait to see you all. Peace out, Ms. McB


  1. Gee whiz, you have a blog. Howdy. I'm Ethan Russell. I'm in your first period class. Yep.

  2. Awesome, the colors on the last picture are so vibrant. Why aren't these on your blog?

  3. I be Rockin' this beat... This is where I'm supposed to comment, right? Or am I supposed to comment somewhere else that my computer won't let me see...?

  4. is this what i am supposed to comment on?
    i am so confused :[

  5. not all the chickens are facing the same way
