Sunday, April 25, 2010

Big Week Ahead

This is a big exciting week for all of us. The AP Art Showcase is on Thursday from 4 - 7pm.

What you need, the sooner the better...

1. Your concentration/artist statement matted on black board ready to go by Thursday at 11:00

2. All your concentration pieces, matted, ready to go by Thursday at 11:00. If your work is done now and hasn't been photographed PLEASE bring it to the art room ASAP so that we can get that done.

3. Dessert for 10 people.

4. You are responsible for set up and tear down of your own work as well as helping out with the clean up after the show. We all stay until it's done. It usually takes about 20 minutes if everyone helps out.

5. Seniors please make sure I have the yellow form with the information about where you are going to school next year etc.

6. NAHS hours are due on the 19th of May. The sooner you get those in the better.

7. Smiles, this is your party to celebrate your work! Invite your friends, your teachers, your family.

Can't wait!


  1. ahh im excited, i thought id be pushing to get done but i am matting all week :)


  3. do juniors need to turn in something with NAHS hours even though we aren't seniors? i did them but do i have to fill something out?

  4. Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha.. ha-ha. ha.

    I'm delirious.

    Can I coffee stain the paper I use for my artist statement?

  5. Monet- yes
    Lindsay- no
    McBride- probably a bad time to ask, but what are we doing after we finish the art show and online portfolios?

  6. clearly, jackson, we're going to party.

  7. Oh snap Jackson, it's already coffee stained.

  8. damn!

    well at least that part is over. Now uploading pics online

  9. the art show was good this year :)
